How can you enhance your business productivity through Thermoforming?

Do you have any idea on how we use plastics in our day-to-day life? When it comes to durability, efficiency, convenience, stability, usefulness, we use plastics for our purposes. And, there are different kinds of plastics used for everyone’s convenience. They are tough, reliable, durable, helpful and also easy to use. Plastics cost less than other products in the market and Thermoforming has been a part of it.


It is one of the procedures to manufacture plastic. Using this process, a plastic sheet or film can be easily softened up when heated and vice versa, it becomes hard again when it cools down. The plastic that is used in Thermoforming can go through melting and freezing without altering its chemical state and it can also be reprocessed again. Then, the plastic sheet is heated between specialized heaters in order to form the product with its usual temperature. Later, the sheet will be placed in a temperature regulated metal table or moulder until it gets cooled down. Now, the plastic that is formed from the sheet will be taken out of the sheet.

However, this procedure is followed to form plastic used for computers, machines, and other special equipments for electronics, medical, and industrial products.

Thermoforming is used because, this process is,

•    Easy to carry out
•    Reliable
•    Convenience
•    Takes less time for production
•    Lower costs of production

Pros and cons of Thermoforming:

There are many advantages and disadvantages compared to the other plastic molding methods such as injection molding.

Advantages of Thermoforming

There are several advantages of using thermoforming.

1) Using this process, huge plastic sheets can also be moulded into objects.
2) The tools required for the process are cheap, even though the procedure costs high.
3) Several different products can be prepared in the thermoforming machines. Only certain products can be prepared in other machines. Almost all types of plastic can be used for the plastic.
4) There is abundant skilled labour to operate these machines.
5) Advanced quality products using more plastic are formed in this method. Hence, they are more durable than the objects created through other local methods.

There are more advantages of using this procedure. Although it is costly process, bit time-consuming thermoformed products would be preferred by the packaging industries due to their high quality.

Disadvantages of Thermoforming

1. Thermoforming is quite expensive. Compared to other methods like injection molding, this method can cost up to 50% more.
2. Large plastic sheets are used in the method. They have to be fed into the rollers again and again. This leads to lots of extrusion.
3. The plastic sheet will be stretched in this method. So, the products formed using thermoforming break at a certain temperature.
4. More plastic would be consumed in this method when compared to other methods. Nearly 10 to 20% more plastic is used to make any product in this method. This adds to expenditure and creates broad wastage too.